PENNY (retired)
Penny-F1b Goldendoodle
Penny is one of our past puppies we kept for her spunky personality and beautiful wavy coat. Penny is a GANA registered, medium apricot F1b Goldendoodle from Bailey. Adult weight is 43lbs. She is a sweet and friendly dog who LOVES people . She has been bred twice to Tex our apricot parti poodle stud and had large litters of apricot F1bb Goldendoodles. Penny will retire this year and live her life with her Guardian Family in La Mesa.
Penny Traits: ee/Bb/DD/KBKy/atat/SS/mm
FIC (+/- furnishings) TC (+/- wavy coat)
Embark DNA Results
OFA Final Hips
Clear of 167 genetic diseases
OFA Thyroid
CAER Eye Exam
OFA Cardiac
OFA Patella
OFA Final
For required testing on AKC standard poodles, see
Poodle – Standard
Hip Evaluation (PennHip or OFA)
Ophthalmologist Evaluation
OFA Thyroid Test or Cardiac testing
DNA Test for Neonatal Encephalopathy with Seizures (NEwS)
DNA Test for vonWillebrand’s Disease (vWD)
Golden Retriever
DNA testing
Hip Evaluation
Elbow Evaluation
Cardiac Exam
Ophthalmologist Evaluation