Scarlett- AKC Standard Poodle
Scarlett is one of our standard poodles. She is an AKC (Limited registration) red poodle who is the ultimate lap dog weighing 48lbs. She has a dark red coat with dominate black eye rims and nose. She is a sweet, and loving, affection craving dog who is part of our family. Did we mention she's SO affectionate? She produces our red and apricot-coated Goldendoodles and she has produced many beautiful litters with out F1 Goldendoodle stud Duke. Scarlett will retire in 2025 and continue to live with us as our family companion.
Traits: ee/Bb/DD/KBky/ata/mm/FF/TT(curly coat)
Embark DNA Results
Clear of 191 Genetic Diseases
AKC Certificate
CAER Eye exam
UC Davis Genetics
Chondrodystrophy (CDDY) and Chondrodysplasia (CDPA)-CLEAR
OFA Thyroid
Mild Risk (0.37)
OFA Elbows
For required testing on AKC standard poodles, see: (
Poodle – Standard
Hip Evaluation (PennHip or OFA)
Ophthalmologist Evaluation
OFA Thyroid test or Cardiac test
DNA Test for Neonatal Encephalopathy with Seizures (NEwS)
DNA Test for vonWillebrand’s Disease (vWD)