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How are your pups doing?

Hello everyone!

My name is Stephanie and I took home Lux (Bailey’s dark blue)

I wanted to share a little update of Lux and was hoping to hear how it’s been going for everyone.

Lux is doing great! He is a quick learner and is very very smart which is a good thing but can also be a bad thing. The constant phrase this past week has been “you’re too smart for your own good”.

He is definitely growing! It’s amazing to see how much they can grow in just a weeks time. He is doing amazing with potty training. When he’s in his playpen he lets us know he has to go. If he’s out his playpen during training and playtime with us he will run to the door and paw at it.

He doesn’t mind being in his playpen. But he’s a wanderer and is not a fan of being confined in his kennel if the door is open he loves it but if it’s closed he doesn’t do very well so crate training has been a bit of a pain. He has taken to us quite quickly and is coming to us for comfort already. 🥰

Please share any updates/questions/suggestions I would love to hear how it’s going with everyone else!

Also, If anyone is in the San Diego area and wants some safe puppy play time feel free to contact me it’s hard to socialize with other doggies during the fully vax waiting period.

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